![[Image Description for the flyer: The top of the flyer has a blue background and the outline of a brain with different shapes and patterns within. In the center of the first page, in white text with a green background reads “PARTICIPANTS NEEDED. Research participants needed for a study on a novel ASL-based measure of cognitive functioning.” Smaller text below in black with a white background reads “Are you Eligible? d/Deaf or hard of hearing, age 50+, fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). What are the study requirements? 1. Complete background survey (20 minutes). 2. Meet for interview through Zoom (60-90 minutes). Why should you participate? Compensation: $40 gift card. Participate in development of resources for deaf signers.” The bottom section of the page over a green background reads "TO PARTICIPATE: Scan QR code or click here to access study description and to complete eligibility screening or contact Erin Timperlake - Primary Researcher at ASLCogStudy@gallaudet.edu. Text box at bottom of page reads “Gallaudet University IRB Approval: IRB FY23-49”]](https://www.delawaredeaf.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/ASL-Cognitive-Research-Summer-2023.png)
[copy of email here]
I am a PhD student at Gallaudet University currently recruiting participants for my dissertation project. The goal of the project is to explore a novel, American Sign Language (ASL)-based, brief cognitive assessment. To be eligible, you must be deaf or hard of hearing, age 50 or older, and be fluent in ASL.
If eligible to participate, you will receive an email with a scheduling request to meet over Zoom for approximately 1-1.5 hours to complete study materials. Eligible participants who complete all study materials will receive a $40 gift card in exchange for their time.
If interested in participating, please follow the link to complete the eligibility survey. The survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete: https://gallaudet.iad1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8GhfeRie828mvpI
Please direct any questions about the study to ASLCogStudy@gallaudet.edu.
Thank you,
Erin Timperlake
ASL Cog Study Flyer (PDF Version, original flyer)