Deaf Community Learns Text to 9-1-1 Feature

GEORGETOWN, Del.- Although the text to 9-1-1 feature has been available in Sussex County since March, the deaf community was able to get a private tutorial with an interpreter on Tuesday afternoon.

The new feature allows the deaf to communicate with a dispatcher more easily than the previous method of video chat.

“We do have the capability to use text/chat, that’s great. Because if the internet were to fail, then we can go over to the texting communication,” Dennise Scott said.

Read the rest of the story at



Welcome to Delaware Association of the Deaf (DAD)!  Please watch the video and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our contact page.  Again, Welcome!

July 2018 update

While trying to fix a domain name quirk, webmaster unintentionally removed the website when trying to remove a redirect setting.  The website is being rebuilt from scratch again.  My apologies.