Survey link (case sensitive):
Survey of Deaf Individuals Regarding Accessibility in Seeking Healthcare
I am inviting you to participate in a research study about mental health care and healthcare accessibility. This research project is conducted by Jacqueline Fontaine, a psychology student at the University of Wisconsin – Superior and is funded by the McNair’s Scholar’s Program. The faculty advisor whom is overseeing this study is Dr. Eleni Pinnow, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin – Superior. The objective of this research project is to better understand the influence of accessibility and communication on people of the Deaf community when seeking mental health and healthcare services. This electronic survey is being distributed nationwide to people with hearing loss who identify as culturally Deaf, and/or clinically deaf or hard of hearing.
It is my goal to receive as many responses as possible by June 30, 2021. Thank you so much for your help and participation! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or my faculty mentor.
More information at: