Ableism/Audism in Audiology Survey

The goal of this study is to assess the preparedness of audiologists to work with people with disabilities from the view of persons served, audiologists, and audiology education programs. An audiologist is a professional involved in the diagnosing and treating of hearing loss, balance disorders, and disorders of the auditory pathway. The project is being conducted by Jessica Krause under the supervision of Dr. Evelyn Davies-Venn at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. This survey is intended to be taken by disabled individuals or their caregivers. 

The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. There will be mostly multiple choice questions. Some questions will ask you to rank how much you agree/disagree with a statement. There are a few open answer questions. We will ask a mix of basic demographic information, and your views of the field of audiology as a whole as it relates to serving people with disabilities. You will be allowed to skip any questions aside from the screening and demographic questions. At the end of the survey, you will have the option to enter your email address to be entered in a drawing for a $50 Amazon e-gift card. Your email will not be linked to your responses. Your responses will be entirely anonymous. 
 All of your information will be kept confidential. All of the data is stored in a password protected electronic format. To help protect your confidentiality, the surveys will not contain any information that could personally identify you. The results of this study will be used for scholarly purposes only, data will not be shared or sold. Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You may choose not to participate and you will not be penalized. If you decide to participate, you may choose to withdraw at any time. Please know that only those who complete the survey will be entered in the drawing for the $50 Amazon e-gift card. 


Survey link –

NAD: Tell Us Your Experience Using Video Relay Service (VRS)

Are your Video Relay Service (VRS) calls with hearing people giving you the same experience as hearing people’s calls with other people? That’s what we want to find out. We want to know what you like about your VRS calling experience, we also want to know what you’re frustrated with. The NAD needs to gather your stories to identify gaps in the VRS industry and share those gaps with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The NAD is urging innovation and up to date technology to ensure that deaf and hard of hearing people’s calling experiences are equivalent to hearing people’s experiences. Tell us your VRS story found at



DAD Nominations Requested


Hello Members of D.A.D. Sept. 23, 2021

I, Denis Munn, have been selected as the chairperson of the nominating committee for Delaware Association of the Deaf.

Joey DeLusant and Dennise Scott are also on the nominating committee.

We are seeking nominations for the upcoming election which will be held either in October or November 2021. All positions listed below need to be filled. Those who are listed have expressed interest in serving again.


Vice President:

Secretary :

Treasurer :

Board member:

Board member:

Board member :


Feta Fernsler, President

Keith Robertson, VP

New Castle (2)

Kent County (1)

Sussex County (2)


Please let me know if you are interested in any position for officers or board member. Or you may nominate someone for any of the above positions.

Deadline Date for nomination is October 14th.

My email is denmu212 at gmail dot com.

Any questions you can VP me at this # 443-365-2640, Dennise’s 302-541-6175 or Joey’s 302-231-1320.

D.A.D. needs your help! Please consider running for one of officers/board positions. Deaf Delaware residents NEED YOU, too!

Thank you,

Denis Munn, Chair, Dennise Scott & Joey DeLusant, Nomination Committee