Deaf Participants Needed

Hi, my name is Megan and I’m working towards my Masters’s in Social Work at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.  I’m currently working on a research study to see if there is a relationship between the quality of communication with healthcare providers and pregnancy complications experienced by Deaf women.  I’m looking for participants between the ages of 18-35 who have given birth in the last 2 years.  Feel free to contact me to discuss this further.  Thank you so much.  


Megan Warshauer

– Source came from PSAD.

Invitation to participate in a focus group study at Columbia University

Are you d/hh/blind/low vision/mobility impaired?  Tell us your views on a new type of health research called precision medicine during a 2 hour study. Meet via zoom and will get $50 Amazon gift card for participation.  See below for contact info and flyers.

Columbia University invites you to participate in a study that explores issues of trust in a type of medical research called “precision medicine research.” This looks at a person’s genetics, environment, and lifestyle. It can help physicians improve prevention and diagnosis of diseases and develop new treatments. The study will help us understand what deaf or hard of hearing adults, blind or low vision adults and adults with mobility disabilities think about how precision medicine researchers and research institutions can be more responsive to the needs of persons with disabilities. Participants will receive a $50 gift card for their time. If you are interested, please contact the Research Assistant, Mika Caruncho, MSW, MPH, at . If you have any questions, please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Maya Sabatello, .

Research Flyer [ASL / LSM]
Invitation Letter [ASL / LSM]

– Thanks to NAD for sharing the news and making the ASL/LSM videos.