Live-In Overnight Monitoring Caregiver 2 (PDF Version)
Actors needed for a movie production (Georgia)
We (DPD Casting) are excited to announce we are extending our audition deadline thru Friday, July 7th at 5:30 PM ET!
NOW CASTING: MALES 18+ D/deaf/Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind to play high schoolers for a feature film.
Link to submit is here:
We appreciate all the help we have received with spreading the word about our casting call!
We would love to see anyone and everyone that is a fit for these roles.
We are always available for any questions from you or any potentially auditioning talent.
DSD Employment Opportunities
For the 2023-2024 school year, these are some postings available….
· Educational Interpreter
· School Psychologist
· Special Education Coordinator
· Speech Language Pathologist
· Teacher of the Deaf (Secondary)
View and apply at (DSD School) or (DSD Statewide programs).