Under counting and budget impacts (US Census)

Summary below (video is captioned above):

Lack of $$$ for

  1. Schools
  2. Buses/transportation
  3. Roads
  4. Representation in congress
  5. Food Stamps
  6. Consumer protection laws – environment, insurance,
  7. National Guard
  8. Emergency fundings – i.e. hurricanes, etc
  9. Vocational Rehab
  10. Medicaid/Medicare
  11. Broadband expansion funds
  12. Rental Assistance programs
  13. Police/Fire funding
  14. Social workers and emergency services

Covid19 has resulted in fewer census employees tasked at doing door to door work. 

Delaware is @63% counted now.  Worst is Sussex County at 51.5% while rest @67%

Deadline to do your census is September 30, 2020.  Go to my2020census.gov.  ** Your information is private per law and no one else can access your personal information even the US President cannot see it. **

Links references:


“Further, self-response rates for 2020 lag behind the rates for 2010 in most states. According to U.S. Census data, the overall self-response rate in Delaware is 62.4%, with New Castle County at 67.8%, Kent County at 67.2%, and Sussex County with the lowest response rate at 51.5%.” from https://news.delaware.gov/2020/09/03/attorney-general-jennings-fights-trump-administrations-attempts-to-reduce-census-efforts



COVID-19 (Cornavirus) ASL Videos and additional resources

Below are some additional ASL resources on Covid-19 (Cornavirus) in addition to those already posted here at DAD which can be found doing a simple search for covid – https://www.delawaredeaf.org/?s=covid

From Minnesota Dept. of Health:
From PA Dept. of Health:
From Wisconsin Dept. of Health:
COVID-19 communication card (from Wisconsin)
COVID-19 communication card (from Massachusetts)
https://www.mass.gov/service-details/covid-19-card (General Info and other card formats)
NAD (National Association of the Deaf)
CDC (Centers for Disease Control) ASL Videos


Text to 911 with closed captioning

The original video – https://livestream.com/stateofdelaware/text-to-911/videos/184455734, did not have closed captioning.  DAD recently reached out to someone that knew how to make this possible and DAD was given permission to share the captioned version (shown above).  Delaware State will be adding the closed captioning eventually as both files came from them. 

Thanks to Delaware Office of Emergency Preparedness.