Covid 19 Vaccination and ASL Interpreter Access at state

Clarification update, ASL only. No other sign language, got update from FEMA. The rest is spoken languages. Sorry for the confusion.

** This applies to the Delaware Dover Racetrack events as it is state/FEMA sponsored. Any other state/FEMA sites will be covered by this VRI accessibility feature. The other events like hospitals, doctor offices are not covered and many hospitals will provide their own accessibility features themselves. **

Summary: FEMA was kind to share their ASL and Spanish videos explaining how people can connect to the ASL VRI service at the vaccination sites, as well as English, Spanish, Arabic, French, Haitian-Creole, Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese spoken languages that can be used as well.


Spanish Sign Language –

PDF icon

Using the FEMA Video Remote Interpreting 3-11-21 final version (PDF reader required)

– Thanks to Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) for passing along this useful info!

IRI Monthly ASL Chat via Zoom

Hello everyone! Independent Resources, Inc. is hosting a monthly Zoom call to discuss different topics, share resources, and to talk about what is happening. The call will be hosted on the first Monday of the month, unless changed because of holidays or other reasons.

Please feel free to contact Christy Hennessey at chennessey at or Alanna Smith at asmith at for questions, ideas, or feedback.

Zoom meeting ID: 844 1326 3378
Passcode: contact Christy or Alanna for the passcode or see the flyer blow.

Every 1st Monday of the month, from 10:00 to 11:00 am

February 1st: Greetings and Open Discussion
March 1st
April 5th
May 3rd
June 7th
July 5th
August 2nd
September 6th
October 4th
November 1st
December 6th

PDF icon IRI Monthly Deaf Chat Flyer  (Adobe Acrobat PDF reader required)