Covid Funeral Assistance Flyer 2021 (Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader required)
More information can be found at
Covid Funeral Assistance Flyer 2021 (Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader required)
More information can be found at
Thank you for your participation at the public meeting on April 28th to receive input and comments on the draft legislation to establish a registry of interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. If anyone would like to provide additional comments, you may submit them to SCPD via a mode of communication which best fits your needs. Please send those to:
Submitted comments will be taken until May 5, 2021. Thank you.
Links to the draft legislation are:
As you may be aware, the State Council for Persons with Disabilities, Delaware Association of the Deaf, Delaware Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and Independent Resources, Inc. are holding a virtual public meeting to receive input regarding a draft bill for the registration of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind. The draft bill seeks to provide a quality assurance process and meet consumer needs for quality assurance, while leveraging existing state infrastructure and resources.
The Virtual meeting is on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. Interpreters and closed captioning will be provided. Registration is required for BOTH those who just want to attend and those who want to provide public comment. To register, please go to:
A link to the draft legislation will be sent tomorrow. It will also be available on the scpd website:
Please answer in the registration link if you will be providing public comment. Speakers will be called in the order we received registrations and will have 3 minutes to provide comments. Speakers will receive notice at 2 ½ minutes. Speakers will have their time end at 3 minutes even if they are not finished with their comments. Interpretations will continue as needed to include the comments when a speaker’s turn ended.
This is a time-limited process, so if people registered but are not able to provide comments, they will be able to submit comments to SCPD via a mode of communication which best fits their needs. Please send those to:
Submitted comments will be taken until May 5, 2021. Thank you.