Healthy Aging for Women and Those Who Love Them (Oct. 27, 2022)

Deaf Health Talks, provided in ASL, with Q&A, on Zoom. Happening Thursday, October 27th, 8 to 9 PM ET. The left side states, Healthy Aging for Women and Those Who Love Them with Kimberly Kelstone DNP, CNM, CI, CT from Upstate Medical University & Stony Brook University. On the right side, there are two images. In the top left corner is a dark skinned woman with dark hair, seated in a yoga position meditating. Above her are icons that represent aspects of healthy living. The image on the bottom right corner is of an older age man and woman dancing. The bottom states go to: Followed by logos for hosts/sponsors, including Partners in Deaf Health, University of Michigan Medical School Department of Family Medicine, and Michigan Deaf Health.

The University of Michigan Family Medicine Department has partnered with Partners in Deaf Health and Michigan Deaf Health to host a Deaf Health Talk entitled “Healthy Aging for Women and Those Who Love Them” on Thursday, October 27th from 8-9 PM, ET. The event will only be on Zoom. We are excited to have Kimberly Kelstone from Upstate Medical University & Stony Brook University presenting for this event.


The event is on Zoom, is free, in ASL, and there will be closed captioning provided. Hope to see you there!


Our team has been working to continue developing monthly Deaf Health Talks. With your help, we hope to maintain our high viewership and post engagement. Our upcoming DHT is geared towards deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers and will be presented in American Sign Language with some spoken English translation. We would love to encourage you to share this talk with your respective communities. 


Thanks again and please email us at with any questions or concerns. Also, check out our website and Instagram page! Interested in supporting the Deaf Health Talks further? Donate here to support our efforts. Lastly, please feel free to let us know if you need more information. 

Zoom Link (please register in advance!)click here