Hello Members of D.A.D. Sept. 23, 2021
I, Denis Munn, have been selected as the chairperson of the nominating committee for Delaware Association of the Deaf.
Joey DeLusant and Dennise Scott are also on the nominating committee.
We are seeking nominations for the upcoming election which will be held either in October or November 2021. All positions listed below need to be filled. Those who are listed have expressed interest in serving again.
Vice President: Secretary : Treasurer : Board member: Board member: Board member :
Feta Fernsler, President
Keith Robertson, VP New Castle (2) Kent County (1) Sussex County (2)
Please let me know if you are interested in any position for officers or board member. Or you may nominate someone for any of the above positions.
Deadline Date for nomination is October 14th.
My email is denmu212 at gmail dot com.
Any questions you can VP me at this # 443-365-2640, Dennise’s 302-541-6175 or Joey’s 302-231-1320.
D.A.D. needs your help! Please consider running for one of officers/board positions. Deaf Delaware residents NEED YOU, too!
Thank you,
Denis Munn, Chair, Dennise Scott & Joey DeLusant, Nomination Committee