Did You Know that the Delaware Division of Human Relations is the agency in Delaware responsible for enforcing State Fair Housing Law, Federal Fair Housing Law and Equal Accommodations Law?
The Division also participates in the mediation of hate crimes, police and community conflict, school related issues and state employment. Knowledgeable and experienced Division staff conduct training on fair housing and equal accommodations to residents, community groups, housing providers, businesses and other organizations.
As part of their commitment to civil rights in Delaware, the Division actively conducts outreach/education throughout the state so that every resident can live free of unlawful discrimination. #ADA, #CivilRights, #Discrimination, #FairHousingAct, #EqualAccommodationsLaw, #NetDE
#NowWeSee a picture of a diverse group of smiling people from young children to senior citizens standing in colorful clothing behind a bright blue cut-out of a house. The picture contains a link to the Delaware Division of Human Relations.